More than 7,000 lines of weather data for every 30 minutes over a 5 month period and we show you how to format in Date/Time layouts and numbers to show same decimal points and made easier to read.
The first requirement to make a Pivot table is a data list from which the pivots “pull” the information into the table(s) and create overviews and summaries.
The list consists of one or more columns and each one has a text header, indicating what the data below it is.
In our example it is weather data, and the column headers each indicate what type of weather data we have: like the time, the amount of rain, the temperature, etc.
We start with the raw data and when we look at it, the date/time data seems to make no sense because they appear to be numbers.
So we will format the data in order to make it readable – even if we might not look much at the original information once we have our Pivot tables created.
Want to download the Template?
You can follow in the Excel spreadsheet if you like. It is a relatively small zip file of 3.8 MB: